Counseling Topics for School Year 2023-2024



September 2023



Lesson 1: Students will learn or review what a counselor does. We will discuss the meaning of the word respect. Students will meet I-Care Cat and learn about the first I-Care rule: We listen to each other. We will practice listening skills. We will hear the story “Splat Says Thank You”. We will talk about how to be a good friend.


Lesson 2: Students will review the first I-Care rule: we listen to each other and the word respect. We will learn the second I-Care rule: Hands are for helping, not hurting. We respect others by following rules for touching others with our hands. We respect others even when they are different from us. We will listen to a story called “I’m Like You, You’re Like Me” and discuss the different ways we are alike or different.




October 2023



Lesson 1: We will review I-care rules 1 and 2. We will discuss the meaning of responsibility. Students will learn/review I-care rule #3: We use I-care language. We will discuss types of conflicts and how we can solve them responsibly by using I-care language or other ways. We will participate in a lesson called “Types of Conflicts” to help students decide if a problem is a disagreement, rude moment, mean moment, or bullying.

Lesson 2: We will review I-care rules 1-3. We will review the meaning of responsibility. Students will learn/review I-care rule #5: we are responsible for what we say and do. We will talk about being responsible around safe and unsafe drugs and medicines and making safe and healthy choices. We will do the activity called “Healthy Choices vs. Unhealthy Choices”.





November 2023


Lesson 1: We will talk about the word honesty. We will learn/review I-Care rules 1, 2, 3, 5. We will learn/review I-Care rule #4: We care about each other’s feelings. We will learn about feelings and how to self-regulate in healthy ways. K students will hear the story, “The Pout Pout Fish” and students in grades 1 and 2 will do the lesson called “Positive Self-Talk” to learn about their inner coach and their inner critic.

Lesson 2: We will review all I-care rules. Students will discuss what it means to be honest. We will hear a story called “The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot.” We will play a game to decide if a situation is showing honesty or dishonesty.






December 2023


Lesson 1: We will review all of the I-Care rules. We will talk about integrity and its meaning with examples. We will listen to the story, “The I in Integrity” (K-1) or “Escape Goat” (2). K-1 students will listen to different situations and give ideas on how to show integrity in each. Second graders will break into groups and work together to decide how to show integrity in different situations.












January 2024



Lesson 1: We will review the I-Care rules. We will talk about the character trait self-control. We will discuss how self-control is a behavior expectation in school.

Lesson 2: We will review the I-care rules. We will review the meaning of self-control. We will discuss the careers in each career path and the importance of self-control and certain academic skills in each one.











February 2024



Lesson 1:  We will review the I-Care rules. We will discuss the character trait compassion using examples. We will listen to the story “Just Ask.” We will talk about the characters in the story and the challenges/differences they have. Any of the characters like you? Not like you? How do we show compassion to others who are different in some way?

Lesson 2: Body Safety—We will will learn about good, bad, and wrong touch. Students will take home a coloring page as a reminder of how to keep their bodies safe.









March 2024


Lesson 1: We will review the I-Care rules. We will talk about the character trait perseverance and its meaning, using examples. We will talk about how perseverance is a trait that helps us have good work habits for school success. We will watch a video and discuss. We will play a game to practice perseverance.

Lesson 2: We will review the I-Care rules. We will review the character trait perseverance. We will discuss how workers at school, in families and in our community show perseverance. We will play a version of Headbanz in which one student wears a headband with a picture of one of the workers discussed. Another student is selected to answer 3 yes/no questions about the worker.







April 2024


Lesson 1: We will review the I-Care rules. We will talk about the meaning of the character trait patience. We will listen to the story about the “Tortoise and the Hare”. We will play a game to practice patience.

Lesson 2: Review the I-Care rules. Review the meaning of patience. We will practice patience in a game that explores likes and dislikes.









May 2024


Lesson 1: Review the I-Care rules. Talk about the meaning of the character trait courtesy. Review greetings and courtesies by asking the questions and having students choral respond the answers. Do the lesson on strengths, and interests as we plan for summer break. Have students draw a picture of all the things that make them a great person (strengths) and on the back all of the things they like to do over summer break. Remind students that a wonderful strength we can have is showing that courtesy and respect to others as we do the things we enjoy.